Pirates’ Weekend, 3rd – 4th June 2023 At last! An Albany event that didn’t need re-arranging due to adverse weather conditions! The forecast for the weekend was unbroken sunshine and warm temperatures. ![]() So it was that 13 of the crew of the pirate ship “Albany”, suitably dressed in authentic pirate garb, gathered for their annual Pirate’s BBQ at the BBQ area at Penton Hook. Captain Jack Sparrow (aka Tony) duly ignited the charcoal with his trusty flamethrower and the scene was set for an excellent meal, washed down with large quantities of Rum Punch and Pimm’s (Albany is a very middle-class pirate organisation!) This was followed by suitable pirate activities such as walking the plank blindfolded (the plank was securely attached at ground level to avoid too many injuries!) and a pirate themed quiz which was won by the Commodore, despite protests that he had had advance notice of the questions! Mandy had “double-booked” the BBQ area for a surprise birthday event for Terry, but this was amicably sorted out between us as they intended their event to start at 4pm and we were able to clear the area by 3pm. ![]() Six “pirates”, Tony and Sharon, John and Geraldine and Geoff and Sally, later met in the clubhouse for an excellent evening meal. The weekend finished on the Sunday with a cruise to Runnymede. As Ginista is currently immobile due to a steering problem, Tony & Sharon crewed for Geoff and Sally aboard Zephyr. She was joined by Laird Tommy (John and Geraldine) and Lady Farrington (Terry and Mandy). The Pirate Fleet moored at the “secret warehouse” at Runnymede and were welcomed aboard Laird Tommy for an excellent lunch of leftovers, made special by Mandy’s cooked additions. A gentle cruise back to PH in balmy summer sunshine ended what had been a most enjoyable weekend. The Commodore would like to thank all who took part for making it a special occasion.
Commodore’s and Club Officer’s Meet and Greet at Weybridge Mariners Sunday May 21st 2023 Three boats and their crews attended Weybridge Mariners’ Commodore’s Meet & Greet on Sunday May 21st, Ginista (Tony & Sharon) Laird Tommy (John & Geraldine) and Zephyr (Geoff & Sally).
The weather was set fair and the three boats left from Penton Hook at 9.00am for the short down-river cruise to Weybridge, where moorings had been reserved for us on the Weybridge bank opposite WMC’s clubhouse. We arrived in plenty of time to change into our tidy clothes and club regalia, and to chat with members of Upper Thames Yacht Club who had arrived the previous day. WMC provided their electric launch as a water taxi to ferry guests to the clubhouse where we began the serious business of “networking” with other clubs. A useful contact was made with the Commodore of the Thames Small Boat Club who invited us to attend their Summer Party on Saturday 8th July at their clubhouse on Steven’s Eyot. WMC provided an excellent cold buffet lunch, and their bar was open throughout. All was going swimmingly until Sharon decided to be helpful and return 6 empty glasses to the bar. Unfortunately, she failed to notice the raised track of the patio doors opening onto the balcony and fell headlong into the clubhouse, still clutching the glasses, which shattered on contact, inflicting several deep cuts to her wrist, elbow and hands. Our resident nurse / paramedic team of Geraldine and John immediately swung into action to staunch the bleeding (making the best use of the well out of date first aid kit provided by WMC). Rob, the WMC Hon Sec, kindly offered to ferry Sharon and Tony to St Peter’s Hospital A & E dept where they spent the afternoon as Sharon was x-rayed and stitched up (I think we counted 23 stiches in all). Geoff and Sally, who had returned with Zephyr to PH, gallantly offered to pick us up from St Peter’s and drop us back at the boat, where John and Geraldine had been looking after our other crew member “Jasmine”, the Italian Greyhound. Geraldine had also prepared a delicious supper which was most appreciated as the buffet sandwiches were, by then, a distant memory. Given the time, it was decided that Ginista and Laird Tommy would stay the night and return to PH the next day. Due to her injuries, Sharon was unable to handle ropes and so helmed Ginista, while Tony acted as foredeck crew. Both were a little rusty at their respective tasks, but the cruise was completed with no further disasters. Tony & Sharon would like to record their sincere thanks to John and Geraldine and Geoff and Sally for their help and kindness. Albany should never travel anywhere without our in-house medical team! Postscript from the Hon Sec with regards to what happened after Tony & Sharon set off to A&E. The WMC Commodore’s Meet & Greet resumed and opportunities were found to network again with the other clubs as other guests expressed their concern for Sharon and hoped that she would be okay. At the culmination of the event, the electric boat was once again engaged as Zephyr’s crew needed to get back to Penton Hook in order to collect Tony & Sharon once they were released from the NHS. Zephyr made an uneventful return trip and her crew returned home to await the phone call, which duly came at 1930. The day finished pleasantly for Tony & Sharon and Jasmine who, I understand, were well looked after by John & Geraldine. |
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